
"Please mommy, please...."

Every time the girls see me make new brooches they ask me if it is for them. And every time I have to tell them that it is for mommy's brooch box. Mind you, they already have their own collection of my hand made brooches so they don't really need any more. However, the last few days they have actually asked me for "Hello Kitty brooches to put on their jackets to go to school". It's the first time they have actually asked me for something this specific so I thought I would honor their request. The nose looks like a piggy nose though, but the girls where over the moon and proudly went off to school this morning!! Over all result, success!


Helena said...

Jättefina broscher. Förstår att flickorna blev glada!

Skaparstigen said...

Coola! Tycker du har fått dem precis som originalen.

Lilla NovaK said...

Så fina de är! Klart att tjejerna vill ha massvis!

Maria said...

Mina barn brukar också vilja ha saker jag gör. Ibland så får man göra åt dem också.
De där broscherna var rara, skulle gillas av min lilla tjej också!

Lina said...

Duktig du är vännen!! hoppas du har de bra!! pusss lina A

med nål och tråd said...

Du gör så mycket fint! Inte konstigt att dina töser vill ha allt :)