My first ever attempt on Decoupage. Got these little jugs at IKEA for the girls. Decided to try to Decoupage them with pictures from old children's books. I will let you know how it turns out.
Hard to see in this pic but I could not resist to turn my little girls drawing in to a bird. She did the brown part and then I added on the red (head, wing, tail and one leg). I love doing this with their "art"!
Girls are loving our new arts and craft table in the living room. And mommy too!!
Girls are still sick so I do not get much time over for crafting right now. This is however the result of some night-time therapy stitching in front of the TV.
Girls first dummies now proudly decorates the wall in their room. They got very surprised when they first saw that mommy had put their dummies on the wall and immediately wanted them down. After a long discussion they finally let them stay where they where.
Yesterday we had 3-colored pasta for lunch. One of my dear daughters decided that she does NOT like green pasta and carefully sorted out ALL the green macaronis. You have got to love them!
Found these curtains today in a thrift store. I can not decide though if to put them up in the girls room or to use the fabric for something else!!?? Any suggestions...
The girls have been sick with chickenpox so there has not been a lot of crafting going on in my home lately. I have however managed to get some time to put 2 badges on the girls new cardigans.
I craft. I am a mother to twin girls. I am from Sweden and I live on the lovely island of Mallorca. If you are interested in any of my creations or have questions you may contact me on